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    Leek (Transplants) - OG American Flag

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    An excellent, fast growing leek. Under good conditions the white stem can reach 1' in length. Best for flavor and productivity in our trials of summer leeks. Shows frost resistance but will not overwinter. Tolerates frost as well as onions.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Blanco Duro (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    Blanco Duro is a medium sized onion with pungent firm flesh. Good storage onion and tolerant to pink root disease.

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG WALLA WALLA (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    ORGANIC For generations this variety has been the pride of Washington State's onion producing region. This famous Northwest gourmet sweet onion can be grown from seed. In long and intermediate day areas where temperatures do not drop below -10 degrees. They can be planted between August 15th and September 1st and overwintered under a light mulch for harvest the following late June or early July. For colder areas it's best to raise seedlings and set out transplants in early to mid April. Not a storage onion. 

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Ruby Red (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    A long day variety that is small and flat with a ruby red skin. An excellent, unique flavor that can be added to any dish. Sure to be your new favorite! ORGANIC

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Borettana Cipollini (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    A great storage onion that has made the Italian onions famous. A long day variety that is small and flat with a yellow-brown skin. An excellent, unique flavor that can be added to any dish. ORGANIC

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted. Be sure to specify on your order when you want your plants to arrive.

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    Rhubarb Root, Crimson Cherry

    From $1499 USD
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    The Crimson Cherry Rhubarb Root (Rheum rhabarbarum) grows high yields of large ribbed, tart, ruby red rhubarb stems that can grow up to 2' tall, with the entire plant growing to 4' tall. Its most famous use is in pies or jellies, but this versatile vegetable can be used for savory recipes such as sauces, soups, chutneys, and pickles.

    ⚠️ Choose a permanent in-ground location for this perennial that will continue to produce for many years. It will begin producing one year after it is planted, but wait until the second year and for stalks to grow to at least 10" before harvesting.

    If you prefer to grow from seed, try Victoria Rhubarb.

    • High yields
    • Tart and crunchy
    • Produces for many years
    • Enjoys cool weather


    • Botanical name: Rheum rhabarbarum
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
    • Hardiness zones: 3-7
    • Planting season: Spring, fall
    • Days to maturity: 2nd year
    • Depth to plant roots: 2" below soil surface
    • Spacing between plants: 24"-48" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
    • Soil types: Sandy, loamy, rich, moist, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 5.5-6.8
    • Water needs: Average
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Drought tolerant: Yes
    • Deer resistant: Yes

    Good companion plants: Asparagus, Beet, Broccoli, Catnip, Chives, Dill, Garlic, HorseradishMint, Onion, Sage, Thyme

    Planting Space 4 feet apart 1-3 inches below the surface of the soil with buds facing up. Water well at planning Irrigation Sufficient moisture during the hot days of summer Special Considerations Plants can grow 2-3 feet wide so pick a space that is not overcrowded Choose a good drainage soil/spot, rhubarb will rot if its too wet

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    Horseradish Root, Big Top

    From $1100 USD
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    The Big Top Horseradish Root (Armoracia rusticana) is known and grown for its large, white tapered root that is often grated to add a tangy, spicy kick to just about anything. Above ground, the gorgeous, robust plant with large, wide, deep green edible leaves can grow 3'-5' tall. A traditional accompaniment to roast beef, but will take your tuna fish sandwich or avocado toast to another level.

    *You will receive one live root. Please be prepared to plant it as soon as it arrives. Choose a large pot or a permanent in-ground location for this vigorous perennial that will continue to produce for a lifetime.*

    • Easy to grow
    • Spicy and tangy
    • Perennial
    • Edible leaves and roots

    Good Companion Plants: Asparagus, Potato, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Strawberry

    • Horseradish is a perennial plant popular around the world today.
    • The whole root has almost no odor – but when cut is extremely spicy and aromatic.

    Root Planting Guide:

    • 10" – 12" between plants
    • 3’ between rows
    • Plant at 45° angle with flat end facing up
    • Flat end should be about 1" below soil surface

    Irrigation: Keep soil moist throughout the establishment period

    Special Considerations: Harvest roots the 2nd fall after planting. If not harvested, divide roots every year or two

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    Potato, Fingerling (Early-Season) - Noelle

    From $699 USD
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    About this variety:

    • Disease resistant to common scab and PVY. Early maturing for a fingerling. Yellow fleshed with a yellow smooth skin and shallow eyes. These minis are oval to long oval in shape. High tuber set with long storage to extend the selling season. Banana has met its match.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - Kennebec (Organic rounds)

    From $999 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
      • Produces dependable heavy yields of large potatoes in most soils.
      • Smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes and white flesh.
      • Resistant to blight, mosaic, late blight and net necrosis.


      New Variety!

      A short oval potato with smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes and white flesh. Can be used for fries, hash browns and many other uses even without peeling. Kennebec, one of the best keepers, is resistant to blight, mosaic, late blight and net necrosis. Produces dependable heavy yields of large potatoes in most soils. A great plant for the North as it sunburns easily.


    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - Montana (ORGANIC)

    From $1899 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      High setting mid season potato with excellent storage
      Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes
      • Disease resistant to common scab and PVY


      New Variety!

      Disease resistant to common scab and PVY. Montana can be as large as its namesake. Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes. High setting mid season potato with excellent storage.


    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - Russet Norkotah

    From $799 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      Similar to Russet Burbank
      • Smooth, red-brown skin, shallow eyes and white flesh
      • Scab-resistant


      New Variety!

      This tuber with smooth, red-brown skin, shallow eyes and white flesh, out-produces most commercial fresh market russets as far as the percentage of #1 uniform potatoes. It is excellent for baking, frying or boiling and keeps well. It is scab-resistant and provides dependable yields. This is another great variety from Dr. Robert Johansen, talented breeder of the wonderful Anoka. It is a good choice for a gardener with limited space. Similar to Russet Burbank.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Early-Season) - Albertine

    From $600 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
      • Disease resistant to common scab, black leg, Rhizoctonia, and tuber blight, the trifecta plus one.
      Yellow skin, yellow flesh with smooth skin and shallow eyes.
      • Excellent disease resistance.


      New Variety!

      Disease resistant to common scab, black leg, Rhizoctonia, and tuber blight, the trifecta plus one. Excellent for the the beginning home gardener. Yellow skin, yellow flesh with smooth skin and shallow eyes. Large oval tubers with medium set. It is well worth sacraficing a few potatoes for such excellent disease resistance. Medium storage.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Early-Season) - Violetta

    From $600 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      Disease resistant to common scab
      Purple skin with purple flesh
      • Early to harvest


      New Variety!

      Disease resistant to common scab. Purple skin with purple flesh , 40 days earlier than purple peruvian with smooth skin and shallow eyes. The medium set is over shadowed by its earliness. Medium storage dormancy. Grows best on low nitrogent fields. Purple peruvian say good-bye!

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Late-Season) - Ramona

    From $600 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      • Disease resistant to common scab, PVY, and tubar blight
      Large oval shaped tuber with red skin and yellow flesh 
      • Early to harvest  


      New Variety!

      Disease resistant to common scab, PVY, and tubar blight. Large oval shaped tuber with red skin and yellow flesh. Shallow eyed smooth skin with medium tuber set. Early to harvest with average storage dormancy. Bakes well to dress up the plate.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Potato (Early-Season) - Zoe

    From $899 USD
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    • Quick Overview

      Large long oval tuber
      Early maturing
      Red skin and red flesh  


      New Variety!

      Disease resistant to PVY, common scab, and tuber late blight. Smooth red skin with very shallow eyes and red flesh. Large long oval tuber with high tuber set. Early maturing with short storage dormancy.

    NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Strawberry Roots & Bundles - Seascape

    From $099 USD
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    Quick Overview

    • Everbearing
    • Produces Large Fruits

    IMPORTANT:  Once they arrive, remoisten the roots. You'll do this by rinsing and dumping all of the water from the bag several times. Once you've done that, leave a small amount of water inside and then place the whole bag (and the contents) inside of a windowsill. Rinse and drain your bare roots at least once a day until new green growth appears and you're ready to plant outdoors.

    These are bare root strawberries. Plant these in the spring; in a place that gets full sun. They do best if you plant immediately after receiving them. Space plants 18" apart in rows 3' apart. These can also be planted in pots. Before planting, soak the roots for 2 hours to re-hydrate the plant. Plant with root side down and dig deep enough so the root is stretched downward; you do not want the root to be balled up.



    NEW, everbearing strawberry that produces July until frost. Very large berries with excellent fruit flavor. Good runner production. Tolerant to Leaf Spot and resistant to Powdery Mildew.
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    Tomato - Sub Arctic Plenty (Early) (Determinate)

    From $299 USD
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    The Sub Arctic Plenty (Early) Tomato is trying to tell you something: It produces a lot of fruits very quickly (45 days!), and really likes cooler temps. It would also like you to know that you can quickly (45 days!) grow the plants closer together without a stake or cage, or in a container or hanging basket. One more thing: It doesn’t sacrifice flavor or texture by ripening so many fruits so quickly (45 days!). You’ll harvest clusters of robust, red, juicy, tart, smallish medium-sized fruits in no time (45 days!). Plenty of them.

    • Very high yields
    • Very quick production—45 days!
    • Good for containers
    • Good for an early Southern or short Northern growing season


    • Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum
    • Growth type: Determinate, tomato cage support, no pruning 
    • Tomato size: Medium
    • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 12"-24" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
    • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
    • Soil needs: 6.0-6.5 pH
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost hardy: No
    • Planting season: Spring, summer
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Days to maturity: 45-60 days

    Click here to view our full Tomato grow guide

    Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper

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    Tomatillo - Ground Cherry

    From $399 USD
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    • These tomatillo seeds will produce delicious 3-5 ounce fruits.

    • Tomatillo is popularly used to make salsas.

    • Days to Maturity | 85 days


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    Tomatillo - Purple

    From $399 USD
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    • These tomatillo seeds will produce delicious 3-5 ounce fruits.

    • Tomatillo is popularly used to make salsas.

    • Days to Maturity | 85 days


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    Tomatillo - Pineapple

    From $399 USD
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    • These tomatillo seeds will produce delicious 3-5 ounce fruits.

    • Tomatillo is popularly used to make salsas.

    • Days to Maturity | 85 days


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    Squash (Winter) - Crookneck, Cushaw White

    From $299 USD
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    • The Cushaw plant produces some of the most beautiful white crookneck squash you've ever seen

      - Curved/crook-neck variety

      - Grows as a vine (not as a bush)

      - Very sweet and full of flavor - perfect for pies and canning

      - Ideal for any sized garden
      and easy to grow

    • Days to Maturity | 100 days

    Additional Details

    Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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    Melon (Cantaloupe) - Heart of Gold

    From $299 USD
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    Heart of Gold Melon
     (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

    • The Heart of Gold melon produces a very sweet and delicious golden flesh fruit that grow up to 4 lbs!

    • Day to Maturity | 85-100 days

    • Melon Seeds | Because of the long growing season, start plants indoors 4 to 5 weeks before outdoor planting time. Direct sow 4-5 seeds in a hill and then thin to the appropriate spacing. 

      Click here for complete Melon grow guide
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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Quinoa

    From $199 USD
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    Sure to be your new favorite!

    Very easy to grow. 

    Ready to consume after just a couple of days. 

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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Flax (brown)

    From $199 USD
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    Sure to be your new favorite!

    Very easy to grow. 

    Ready to consume after just a couple of days. 

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    Watermelon - Georgia Rattlesnake

    From $299 USD
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    • Has stripes that resemble that of a rattlesnake - hence the name
    • All-time heirloom favorite
    • Grows up to 35 lbs
    • The rind is striped and resistant to bruising

    • Days to Maturity | 95 days

    • Best Months to Plant  |  [April - June]  Watermelons are heat-loving plants that need lots of sun. They grow on a long vine, so make sure to give them plenty of space to roam around.

    Follow SeedsNow.com's board Watermelon on Pinterest.
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    Cover Crop - Rapeseed

    From $299 USD
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    Rapeseed is also used as a cover crop in the US during the winter as it prevents soil erosion, produces large amounts of biomass, suppresses weeds and can improve soil tilth with its root system.

    Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil.

    Rapeseed is the second-largest source of protein meal in the world.

    Rapeseed oil is used as diesel fuel, either as biodiesel, straight in heated fuel systems, or blended with petroleum distillates for powering motor vehicles.

    (Brassica napus subsp. napus), is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae (mustard or cabbage family), cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed, which naturally contains appreciable amounts of toxic erucic acid.

    Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.

    Source and Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapeseed

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    Artichoke - Violet Star

    From $499 USD
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    The Violet Star Artichoke is a dramatic alternative to the traditional Green Globe Artichoke. It produces a vibrant purple flower bud with a nutty flavor and creamy texture. Choose a sunny spot in your garden with lots of room for this dark beauty to grow. Artichokes are perennial plants that keep coming back bigger and more productive every year.

    • Heat tolerant
    • Drought tolerant
    • Usually produces in 2nd year
    • Perennial
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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Kale, Green Curly

    From $499 USD
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    • Really easy to grow. 

    • Just let them grow until you see the first set of true leaves.

    • Perfect for a micro-green salad.

    • Makes a great addition to many culinary dishes.

    • These sprouts have a mildly sweet flavor.

    • Day to Maturity | 3-6 days

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    Onion - Walla Walla Sweet (Long Day)

    From $399 USD
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    • The Walla Walla Sweet Onion variety will produces a globed shaped white onion

      - Bulbs can reach 2 lbs

      - This is one of the most popular Long day onion varieties available  

      - Easy to grow 

      - Perfect for beginners

      - Grows well in containers and tight spaces

    • Days to Maturity | 110-120 days

      Onion Seeds | Onions are easy to grow, have a fairly short growing period and take up little space in the garden. Plant onions 1/4 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart in double rows, leaving 6 to 10 inches between rows.

      Click here for complete Onion grow guide
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    Mint - Peppermint

    From $499 USD
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    Mint, Peppermint

    • Peppermint is typically used in teas, jellies, deserts, and salads.

      - Extremely fragrant.

      - Sweet smelling

      - Acts as a natural wasp repellant.

      - Perennial.

      - Can be used as a garnish on ice cream and drinks.

    Click here to see 7 Awesome Mint Drink Recipes HERE

     Follow SeedsNow.com's board Mint on Pinterest.


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    Pepper (Hot) - Scotch Bonnet, Red 🔥🔥🔥

    From $329 USD
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    The Red Scotch Bonnet Pepper is so named because its defined lobes resemble a Scotsman’s tam o’ shanter hat. Also called the Caribbean Red Pepper, the stout little fruit is sweeter and fruitier than its cousin, the Habanero, and hot enough to make a bird fly north for the winter. The plant puts out loads of 1"-2" green waxy fruits with thin skin that ripen through yellow, orange, and red. Its extreme heat and unique flavor is traditionally used in Caribbean hot sauce and jerk seasoning, but will be just as tasty and burn just as hot in any of your recipes.

    • High yields
    • Fresh, fruity flavor
    • Harvest any color
    • Good for containers


    • Botanical name: Capsicum chinense
    • Pepper length: 1"-2"
    • Scoville heat units (SHU): 100,000-350,000/hot
    • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
    • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
    • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
    • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost hardy: No
    • Planting season: Spring, summer
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Days to maturity: 90-120 days

    Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

    All Peppers ⟐ Hot Peppers   📚 Hot Peppers Grow Guide
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    Pepper (Hot) - Habanero, White 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    From $499 USD
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    The White Habanero Pepper produces lots of small 1"-2" fruits, all of them infused with smoky, sweet flavor and a heat like white lightning. These little thunderbolts start out green and ripen to a glossy pearl. Use them to wake up a pot of white bean chicken chili or add a flash of fire to a jar of mayonnaise.

    • Very high yields
    • Sweet, citrusy flavor
    • Hot enough to make a monkey cough
    • Good for containers


    • Botanical name: Capsicum chinense
    • Pepper length: 1"-2"
    • Scoville heat units (SHU): 100,000-300,000/very hot
    • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
    • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 10-30 days
    • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
    • Soil needs: 5.0-6.0 pH
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost hardy: No
    • Planting season: Spring, summer
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Days to maturity: 85-105 days

    Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato


    All Peppers ⟐ Hot Peppers   📚 Hot Peppers Grow Guide
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    Spinach - Monstrueux De Viroflay

    From $399 USD
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    Monstrous Viroflay spinach is a variety of spinach known for its large, dark green leaves and delicious flavor. It is a popular choice among gardeners and spinach enthusiasts due to its impressive size and nutritional value.

    This variety of spinach is named after the town of Viroflay in France, where it was first cultivated. It is known for its vigorous growth and ability to produce abundant harvests.

    Monstrous Viroflay spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron, calcium, and fiber. It is a nutrient-dense leafy green that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes, including salads, sautés, and smoothies.

    One of the key features of Monstrous Viroflay spinach is its size. The leaves can grow up to 10 inches long, making them perfect for salads or as a side dish. The large leaves also make it easier to harvest and prepare the spinach.

    When growing Monstrous Viroflay spinach, it is important to provide it with well-drained soil and ample sunlight. This variety thrives in cool weather and can be planted in early spring or late summer for a fall harvest.

    Monstrous Viroflay spinach is a versatile and nutritious addition to any garden or kitchen. Its impressive size, delicious taste, and health benefits make it a favorite among spinach lovers.

    • How to Grow | Spinach is very hardy and can tolerate cold — in fact, it thrives in cold weather.  Spinach grows really well during winter months in the South.  Spinach also grows well in early spring and late summer in the North. These seeds should be planted about four weeks before your area's average date of last frost.

    • Days to Maturity | 45 days
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    Eggplant - Round Black

    From $299 USD
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    • Fruits are black and round

    • Excellent flavor and a must -try if you you enjoy eggplant

    • Easy to grow

    • Eggplant Seeds | Start seed indoors to allow at least 10 weeks for young plants to develop. Plant in rows 3 feet apart, with 2 feet between plants.

      Click here for complete Eggplant grow guide
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    Coneflower, Purple Echinacea Flowers

    From $399 USD
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    Echinacea, also called Purple Coneflower, is an easy care perennial in the daisy family. Blooms bunches of blossoms with lavender petals skirting a brown spiky cone center atop sturdy stems that can grow 2'-4' tall. The leaves, flowers, buds, stems, and roots have been used medicinally for centuries, both dried and fresh, as an herbal tea, tincture, and oil infusion. Plant a deep pot, a small plot, or an entire lot!

    • Immune system booster
    • Attracts pollinators
    • Long-lasting cut flower
    • Good for containers

    As a medicinal herb, Echinacea supports the immune system and has been used internally as a preventative against colds, flu, and chest congestion. It has also been used internally to treat anxiety, arthritis, asthma, colds, constipation, cough, depression, diphtheria, headache, inflammation, pain, rheumatism, sore throat, stomach cramps, strep throat, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. Externally, Echinacea has been used to treat insect bites and stings, burns, dry or wrinkled skin, tired eyes, toothache, and wounds.


    • Botanical name: Echinacea purpurea
    • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
    • Hardiness zones: 3-9
    • Planting season: Spring, summer, fall
    • Days to maturity: 2 years; can begin harvesting when 6" tall
    • Depth to plant seeds: Lightly cover - seeds need light to germinate
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-30 days
    • Germination soil temps: 65F-70F
    • Spacing between plants: 12"-18" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per sq. ft.
    • Soil types: Clay, sandy, loamy, silty, rocky, chalky, shallow, poor, rich, dry, well-drained
    • Soil pH: 6.5-7.2
    • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
    • Water needs: Low - do not overwater
    • Cold stratify: Yes
    • Frost tolerant: Yes
    • Heat tolerant: Yes
    • Drought tolerant: Yes
    • Deer resistant: Yes
    • Medicinal use: Yes

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

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    Bean, Bush - Edamame Soybean, Midori Giant (Soy Bean)

    From $199 USD
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    If you enjoy going to Japanese restaurants or eating sushi, then you have probably eaten these beans cooked fresh or as tofu. The Midori Giant Edamame Soy Bean produces high yields of large 3" pods, with flavor best described as sweet, nutty, and buttery. You can cook the beans in their pods or shell them and use them fresh in any recipe.

    • Easy to grow
    • Large, high-yielding pods and beans
    • Sweet flavor
    • Grown just like green beans


    • Botanical name: Glycine max
    • Depth to plant seeds: 1" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 3"-4" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 5-10 days
    • Germination soil temps: 65F-90F
    • Soil needs: 5.5-7.5 pH
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost hardy: No
    • Planting season: Spring, summer, fall
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 4-6 plants per sq. ft.
    • Days to maturity: 80-95 days

    Good companion plants: Cucumber, Pea, Rosemary, Thyme, Tomato

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    Dill - Dukat

    From $299 USD
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    • Dukat dill is a particularly fine plant with amazing flavor and large heads.  If you like dill you will love to try this new variety in your garden
    • This variety is darker than most other dill varieties.

    • Excellent fresh or dried.

    • Grown for homemade dill pickles.

    • Can be grown in containers, raised beds, and any other location in full sun.

    • Annual plant.

    • Adds great flavor and color to many culinary creations.

    Additional Details

    Dill has a very long history of herbal use going back more than 2,000 years. The seeds are a common and very effective household remedy for a wide range of digestive problems. An infusion is especially efficacious in treating gripe in babies and flatulence in young children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactogogue, stimulant and stomachic.

    Other Medicinal Properties

    Dill is also used in the form of an extracted essential oil. Used either in an infusion, or by eating the seed whole, the essential oil in the seed relieves intestinal spasms and griping, helping to settle colic. Chewing the seed improves bad breath. Dill is also a useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, it can be used with antispasmodics such as Viburnum opulus to relieve period pains. Dill will also help to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.


    See Dill Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board

    Follow SeedsNow.com's board Dill on Pinterest.


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    Spotted Bee Balm, Wild Bergamot Flowers

    From $499 USD
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    • The Spotted Bee Balm plant produces a beautiful plant with purple spotted flowers known to attract bees and other beneficial garden pollinators

    • Common names: bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, and wild bergamot

    • Smell is similar to Thyme

    • Has been used in teas and for other medicinal purposes

    • This plant is drought tolerant. Grows well in dry conditions, requiring little water to grow

    • Can grow up to 40" tall

    • Perennial
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    Onion (Transplants) - OG Sweet Spanish, Yellow (Long Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    An extremely long storing yellow onion. Larger size than most, better uniformity, and higher yield potential. Medium-large, blocky bulbs with dark yellow skin and thin necks that dry quickly. ORGANIC

    • Long day

    • Keeps well when stored

    • Great flavor and beautiful color

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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    Onion (Transplants) - Rock, Red (Intermediate Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    Red rock is a beautiful red heirloom intermediate day onion. It has a consistent red color throughout, with a medium-to-large bulb size that is slightly flat on top.

    • Intermediate Day



    • Crisp, mild flavor

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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    Onion (Transplants) - Grano, White (Short Day)

    From $199 USD
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    Quick Overview

    A beautiful white heirloom short day onion. It has a mild and crisp flavor,great to liven up any dish! This also is a favorite canning and matures in approx. 110 days.

    • Short Day



    • Crisp, mild flavor

    How to Plant Bulb Onions

    Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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    Potato (Mid-Season) - Red Pontiac (Organic rounds)

    From $999 USD
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    • Mid Season
    • Heirloom
    • Heat tolerant
    • Good for mashing

    #1 red every year! This large round potato has thin, dark-red skin, deep eyes, and crisp white flesh. Excellent for mashed potatoes and boiling but not for baking. Heat-tolerant, long-storing and high-yielding, it will grow in heavy soil. Well suited for growing in wire cages. One precaution about this variety: the skin is so thin it should be allowed to cure and firm up for a week or two in the ground after the vines die back.

    • NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
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    Potato (Late-Season) Fingerling - Terra Rosa

    From $599 USD
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    A beautiful new variety which is smooth and shallow eyed. Magenta skin with matching flesh. Potatoes are ideal for frying, baking or mashing. Oblong tubers can reach 10 ounces in size.

    We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Chives, Garlic

    From $499 USD
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    Garlic Chives will produce shoots that grow to a mature height of roughly 12 inches tall. Popularly used to flavor potatoes and salads, Chives are not only tasty, but are also attractive as well. Each plant displays white colored flowers atop slender stems / shoots. Flowering much later than traditional Chives, it’s Garlic twins will bloom within the heat of the summer months. The shoots, once cut will add a slight garlic & onion flavor to any dish that they are added to. The flowers also add a mild onion/garlic flavor and can be used as a garnish.

    Very easy to grow. 

    Country of Origin: Italy

    Ready to consume after just a couple of days. 

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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Beet, Dark Red

    From $499 USD
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    These Dark Red Beets grow into gorgeous, tender sprouts with deep red shoots and delicate green leaves.  An amazing earthy flavor rounds out this extremely rewarding micro-green.

    Beets can be the more difficult sprout to grow… but well worth it!  It's the prettiest sprout there is (flame red) and can make any plate look and taste even better.

    Beets like warm air 75 - 78 degree temperature, humidity 80 - 86%, water temperature 70 degrees) and low light in the room for the first 3 days. The outer surface of a beet seed is like a sponge and can absorb a great amount of water.  Please read these instructions carefully:

    Proper way to sprout Beet seed:

    1. Put beet seed in a bucket/tub/container
    2. Let the seeds soak in warm (not boiling and not cold) water for approx. 8 hours. Stir well in about 4 hours.
    3. Put in colander and Rinse with lukewarm water until the water that comes off is no longer brown.
      ⚠️ This is important, as red beet has the above water soluble anti-sprouting components (slime) on its hulls. This is a protection: otherwise, in nature, red beet would sprout in an environment that is not humid enough. Clever seed, isn’t it?
    4. Set aside in a warm room.  Give NO WATER and it will sprout in approx. 24-48 hrs.
    5. Then, water as you would any of your other sprouts & micro-greens

    Happy planting!

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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Cilantro/Coriander

    From $499 USD
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    Sure to be your new favorite!

    Very easy to grow. 

    Ready to consume after just a couple of days. 

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    Sprouts/Microgreens - Chia, Black

    From $499 USD
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    Certified Organic Black Chia seeds. 

    Very easy to grow. 

    Ready to consume after just a couple of days.

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